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How to Apply for Immigration to Australia from Pakistan ǀ Requirements ǀ Cost ǀ Processing Time

How to Apply for Immigration to Australia from Pakistan ǀ Requirements ǀ Cost ǀ Processing Time

Australia has currently opened its borders to international immigrants. Now is the best time to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. This article will help you to understand how to immigrate to Australia from Pakistan. You can apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan under skilled migration, family, and special eligibility streams. 

You will also have to fulfill specific requirements, including qualification, age, occupation, English language, work experience, your spouse’s qualification, and specific documents. 

 A minimum of 65 points will be required to be eligible to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan.

Your immigration application will be processed in 5-8 months, costing you $3,760 AUD.


How to Apply for Immigration to Australia from Pakistan:

Migrating to Australia has benefited many people around the globe in terms of a better lifestyle and prosperous economic conditions. With Australian Immigration from Pakistan, you can put your hands on excellent education and work opportunities to increase your living standards.

You can apply for Australian immigration from Pakistan in three streams, the skilled stream, the family stream, and the specific eligibility visa stream.


The process of applying for immigration to Australia from Pakistan varies depending upon the visa category you are applying for. You have a higher chance of acceptance if you apply for Skilled immigration to Australia from Pakistan. 

Skilled Migration to Australia from Pakistan

Among all the streams, the skilled stream is the most in-demand in Australia, per the Australian Department of Home Affairs. Here is a brief overview of the essential visa types in the skilled stream:

Subclass 489: Skilled Regional Visa:

This visa allows its holders to stay and work in the regional areas of Australia. This visa gives its holders the freedom to for family immigration to Australia from Pakistan.

Subclass 189: Skilled Independent Visa:

This visa is an independent visa specifically for the invited workers. You don’t need sponsorship from any family member, employer, or Australian state to apply for this visa. Contact us to know more about skilled independent visas.

Subclass 190: Skilled Nominated Visa:

With this visa, you can live and work permanently in Australia if you are a skilled nominated worker.

No matter what visa type you apply for, your occupation should be on the Australia skilled occupation list 2022 if you wish to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan.


Application Process for Immigration to Australia from Pakistan


Regardless of under what stream you apply for, you will need to apply for the relevant visa. In order to apply for the relevant visa, you will need to create an ImmiAccount on the Department of Home Affairs Website. Here is how you can create an ImmiAccount:


Log onto Australian Department of Home Affairs Website



Click on “Create an Account” Button to start creating your Immi Account



You will see “Step 1 of 2” . Fill in the required details including your Family name, given name, phone number, mobile number and email address and click on “Continue” on the bottom right corner of the page. 



Enter the account details including passwords and backup questions and create your account.



Once you have created your account, choose “Skilled” from the My Application menu, and fill in your application carefully! 


Note: Filling an application is a technical procedure, you will need professional help in order to carefully draft your application. Contact us to carefully draft the application so that your visa processing is smooth and hassle free. 

Immigration to Australia from Pakistan Requirements

To apply for immigration in Australia, you must fulfill specific eligibility criteria. Here are a few essential points to consider while applying for immigration to Australia from Pakistan:


You must attain at least 65 points on the immigration points calculator.


Your age should not be more than 45 years when you apply for Immigration Australia.


If you are considering skilled immigration, your occupation must be on the list of eligible occupations for migration to Australia.

English Language Proficiency:

You must fulfill the English language requirements by submitting your IELTS/PTE scores while applying for Australian Immigration from Pakistan.




Your qualification also plays a crucial role in applying for Australian Immigration from Pakistan. You can secure points for both qualifications inside Australia and qualifications outside Australia. 

Work Experience: 

Like your qualification, your work experience outside and inside Australia can earn you points on the immigration points calculator.

Spouse’s Qualification: 

Your spouse’s skills and qualifications also matter when applying for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. You will get points for your spouse’s English language proficiency and overall skills and qualification if you opt for family immigration to Australia from Pakistan. 

Check your eligibility for immigration to Australia from Pakistan with this immigration points calculator!

Your Documents: 

You will also need the documents, including your ID Card, your passport, educational documents, proof of your work experience, bank statements, proof of your English language proficiency, etc.

Additionally, you will need to provide a visa application fee and fresh photographs while applying for Australian immigration from Pakistan.

It’s crucial to apply carefully for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. Depending on your details, you will need professional help to fulfill the immigration requirements and determine which visa category suits you best.

Where to look for Professional Help: 

Immigration experts like Nexco Consultants can help to make the technical and process hassle-free for yourself with our certified immigration agents.



Why Nexco Consultants:

Here is why you should prefer Nexco Consultants while looking for Professional help:

  • Free face-to-face Consultation sessions with registered migration agents.
  • Detailed and careful Assessments.
  • Free points assessment
  • Most reliable, skilled migration and immigration services
  • If you feel that we are exaggerating, check out our reviews!

Immigration to Australia from Pakistan Points Calculator:

Your eligibility to apply for Australian immigration from Pakistan will be determined via the immigration points calculator. You will need to score a minimum of 65 points to be eligible to apply for immigration to Australia. 

Your Australian Immigration/Australia PR points will be based on your age, qualification, work experience, IELTS/PTE scores, and occupation. Your spouse’s skills and qualifications will also add to your points if you are going for family immigration to Australia from Pakistan. 

The immigration points calculator is easy, simple, and free to use. You can access the free immigration points calculator and calculate your points quickly.

Australian Immigration Processing Time

The processing time for Australian immigration varies depending upon the visa type you have applied for. Generally, the processing time for Australian Immigration from Pakistan is 5-8 months. Overall, subclass 190 is given priority over all other immigration visa streams.

The applicants under each visa category are assigned a priority number; the applications are then processed according to the number.

Immigration to Australia from Pakistan Cost:

You will have to pay AUD 3,670 for Australian immigration visas.

Why you should Immigrate to Australia

Australia offers many reasons for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. Australia is a fantastic place full of work and study opportunities, offering its citizens luxury lifestyles. Pakistanis make up 0.4% of the Australian population. Here are a few reasons why you should consider Australian immigration from Pakistan.

Extensive Migration System

Australia has been accommodating migrants since 1920. The Australian migration system offers extensive visa opportunities for people in every field of life. So whether you want to go for immigration to Australia as a skilled worker from Pakistan, or family immigration to Australia from Pakistan, the Australian government is ready to welcome you!

Easy Pathway to PR: 

Once you have immigrated to Australia, you can avail of permanent residence quickly, leading to Australian citizenship if you fulfill the immigration requirements. Australia allows dual citizenship to its citizens. Babies born to permanent residents can easily apply for Australian citizenship. So Australia can be an excellent place for family immigration to Australia from Pakistan. 

Vast Career Opportunities

The Australian economy is increasing. Due to expanding industries, businesses in Australia are growing fast. This fast and rapid growth in businesses has opened doors for vast career opportunities in Australia for immigrants. More than 600 occupations are in demand in Australia for skilled immigrants. Therefore, Australia can be a great place for skilled immigration to Australia from Pakistan.

Excellent Health-Care System

Australia has one of the world’s best healthcare systems, offering its citizens hospitalization charges and medical payments. This could benefit you if you go for family immigration to Australia from Pakistan. Also, the Australian healthcare system has agreements with several countries that entitles visitors to the same healthcare facilities.

Great Quality of Life

Australian residents enjoy a lavish and high-quality life. The low population, less pollution, natural landscapes, beautiful scenery, excellent healthcare system, perfect work-life balance, and laid-back lifestyle are why you can enjoy an excellent quality of life if you immigrate to Australia from Pakistan.

Best Education System

Undoubtedly, the Australian education system is among the world’s best education systems. Australia has secured 3rd position in providing the best educational facilities to international students. Australia is home to 6 universities among the top 100 universities around the globe.

Economic Stability

Australia has had a steady economy for the past 15 years. Even after COVID-19, Australia’s economy is projected to grow by 4.2% in 2022 and 2.5% in 2023. Therefore, immigration to Australia from Pakistan can be a good option if you are looking for financial stability.

Low Crime Rate

Australian citizens are peaceful people. Due to the community-minded nature of Australians, Australia is known for its low crime rate around the globe.

Cultural Diversity

A massive chunk of Australians comprises immigrants, making Australia a multicultural society with people from different ethnicities and backgrounds. Pakistanis fall in the 8th place in Australian immigration in skilled migration. You can be a part of the enormous cultural diversity if you go for immigration to Australia as a skilled worker from Pakistan.

Book a free consultation session to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan.

Easy Access to Utilities

Last, you can enjoy easy access to daily utilities in Australia, including gas, water, electricity, etc. You can easily arrange service providers to arrange these facilities for you at the comfort of your doorstep.


Australian Immigration Statistics

The number of Pakistani-born people in Australia has increased dramatically in recent years. The Pakistani-born population has increased from 36,600 to 97,220 in the past 10 years. This dramatic increase makes Pakistani-born people 1.3% of Australia’s overseas-born people.  

According to the latest stats, Australia has granted 4,121 permanent immigrant places to Pakistanis in one year under the permanent migration program, among which skilled migrants stream occupied the highest number of places, with the second highest partner visas.

Now is the best time to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. Contact us now to start your dream life in Australia.




1. What is the quickest way to immigrate to Australia?

Visa 491 could be the quickest way for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. 

2. How to apply for business immigration to Australia from Pakistan?

You will need to fulfill the following requirements to apply for business immigration to Australia from Pakistan:

1. Be less than 55 Years of age

2. Score a minimum of 65 points on immigration points calculator

3. Have at least 2 years of experience in your business of interest

4. Own any of the following percentages in your nominated business:

  • 51%, if annual business turnover is < AUD 400,000
  • 30%, if annual business turnover is > AUD 400,000
  • 10%, if company is publicly listed

5. Business must be successful throughout

6. Candidate must be willing to own, maintain and manage a business within Australia under Business Australian Immigration Visa.

3. What is the easiest country to immigrate from Pakistan?

New Zealand is the easiest country to immigrate from anywhere in the world. 

4. How to get a work visa for Australia from Pakistan?

Here are a few steps that you will have to follow to apply for an Australian work visa from Pakistan:

Step#1: Register your request to apply for an Australian work visa using a Pakistani passport.

Step#2: Prepare all the relevant documents using the Documents Check-list tool.

Step#3: Submit your visa application

Step#4: Pay the additional fee

In addition to these simple steps, you will have to obtain the required bands from IELTS and get your skills assessed by the relevant skill-assessing authority if you are applying for skilled immigration to Australia from Pakistan.  

5. Can I move to Australia without a job?

You can immigrate to Australia without a job under the family sponsorship program. All you need is a family member who is an Australian citizen and is ready to sponsor you. 

Mind that this option is only available if you have a spouse, parent, sibling, or close relative already living in Australia as a permanent resident.

6. What is the age limit for migration to Australia?

You should be under 45 years of age if you wish to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. 

7. How can I stay permanently in Australia?

You can stay permanently in Australia if you hold an Australian permanent visa allowing you to stay permanently in Australia. The most common permanent visas for immigration to Australia from Pakistan are skilled workers and family visas.

8. Which qualifications do I need to move to Australia?

You must hold an English language proficiency certificate along with other qualifications. You will secure points for both qualifications inside and outside of Australia.

9. Is it easy to get Australia Visa?  

If you meet all the requirements, it is easy to get Australian Visa.

10. How can I legally immigrate to Australia?

Here are a few steps to follow to migrate to Australia legally:

Step#1: Look for employment options for yourself.

Step#2: Apply for the Visa Nomination

Step#3: Apply for the visa after receiving the invitation.

Step#4: Get ready to move if a visa is granted

Step#5: Arrive and settle in Australia. 

11. How much is the bank balance required for an Australia work visa?

The applicants applying for the Australian work visa need at least $1000 per month to apply for the Australian work visa. Applicants are expected to show the amount through their bank statements.

12. Can I work in Australia without IELTS?

No! An English language certificate is necessary if you wish to work in Australia. You will have to take either PTE or IELTS if you want to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan for work.

13. What IELTS score is required to work in Australia?

You will need a minimum of 6.5 bands in IELTS if you wish to apply for work in Australia.

14. Is Australia looking for immigrants currently?

Yes! Australian borders are currently open for skilled migrants, international students, and immigrants.

15. Do immigrants get jobs in Australia?

There are many employment opportunities in Australia for immigrants, particularly for skilled workers. So skilled immigration from Pakistan can be a good option.

16. Can HR professionals from Pakistan immigrate to Australia?

Yes, HR professionals can easily immigrate to Australia from Pakistan. According to studies, the Australian human resource workforce is expected to grow by 2.3% annually in the next three years. Australian organizations are expected to hire 27,000 human resource professionals in 2022.

17.How to immigrate to Australia as a doctor from Pakistan?

You will need to fulfill the following requirements if you wish to immigrate to Australia as a doctor from Pakistan:

  1. A medical degree from an institute recognized by Australian Medical College (AMC) and World Directory of Medical School (WDOMS). 
  2. A job offer
  3. Your skills assessed by the relevant skill assessing authority.
  4. Proof of English Language Proficiency
  5. Australian work visa or Australian PR

18.How long does it take from Pakistan to Australia?

The direct flight from Pakistan to Australia will take 11 hours and 15 minutes.


Australia has always welcomed Pakistani Nationals. You must fulfill specific requirements to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan. Skilled migrants are most in demand in Australia.

In addition to skilled migration, you can apply for family immigration to Australia from Pakistan and special eligibility visas. You will need at least 65 points in the immigration points calculator to be eligible to apply for immigration to Australia from Pakistan.

You will need professional help to draft your visa application carefully to secure your visa. Expert consultants in Lahore and Islamabad can help secure your immigration visa to Australia. You can also consult Australian High Commission in Islamabad website for guidelines.


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